The following ariticles, latest first, chronicle the events leading up to Somerset County Council's sale of nearly 2000 acres of the Quantock Hills in 2012
Going, Going, Gone!
David Huxtable Sells
Great Wood.
5th April 2012
by Simon Youé
At a press conference today, councillor David Huxtable announced that Somerset County Council has completed the sale of Great Wood to the Forestry Commission. The very same body that the government wanted to dispose of last year.
Councillor Huxtable further announced that negotiations to sell further parts of the Quantock Hills are in progress.
Although the Forestry Commission is, currently, a body to be trusted with stewardship of such a precious asset, the fact of the matter remains that there is still uncertainty as to their own future. This in turn leaves the future of this much loved, and probably the most used part of the Quantocks, a hostage to fortune.
Councillor Huxtable stated that, "The terms of the sale that we have, we think protects the land.". However, when I pushed him, more than once, to be explicit about what terms in the sale he was referring to, he did not appear able to give a direct answer.
Great Wood has been sold by one public body to another, currently, public body for the sum of £250,000 - before expenses. In the overall picture of the Council finances this is a very small sum. In fact the only reason that just one man was able to take the decision to sell is because the totality of the land on the Quantock Hills has been declared a 'minor asset' by SCC.
Make your mind up! Either the sale of this land will go a long way towards saving our schools, roads and bus services - or it is a minor asset. You just can't have it both ways!
Quantock Hills Sell-Off
Somerset County Council are proposing to sell off 2,000 acres of land on the Quantocks. Despite massive opposition from the public, and negligable financial gain, they seem determined to continue. See below for how events have developed.
Protesters Meet with
Leader of County Council
18th Feb 2012
On Thursday 16th, following the County Council meeting on Wednesday, a group of protesters met with council leader, Ken Maddock. The protesters had opportunity to explain their concerns in more detail.
The possibility, raised by councillor Huxtable at Wednesday's council meeting, of some organisation taking ownership of the land on behalf of the people of Somerset in the event that SCC insisted on disposing of the land was also discussed.
If the disposal of land does go ahead, the protesters have asked for time to approach existing organisations, such as parish councils, Friends of Quantock etc., or to form a new body to hold the land in trust.
"We would prefer it if the County Council didn't sell any of their land on the Quantocks. But, if they insist on selling, the least they can do is give us some time to put together a proposal."
Simon Youé
David Huxtable's Lapse of Memory
16th Feb 2012
At yesterday's County Council meeting a written question was put to the Council by Harry Procter
"Are SCC planning to sell further Quantock land? (I understand the Council owns a further 11 parcels of land on the Quantocks)."
Councillor David Huxtable, Conservative, who single handedly decided that the sale should go ahead, replied that, apart from County Farms, the only other land the County owned on the hills was a few roadside verges.
We have since discovered that 'Roadside verges' include, amongst other parcels of land, Cothelstone Hill!
In order to aid Councillor Huxtable's memory I have made an application for information under the Freedom of Information Act:
view the request and responses here.
Somerset County Council Debate the Quantock Sale
It's not over yet!
15th Feb 2012
A motion put down by the Liberal Democrats, opposing the sale of County owned land on the Quantocks, was narrowly defeted in a highly charged atmosphere at a meeting of the County Council today.
Campaigners against the sell-off were there in force and presented two petitions, another is still running and will be discussed at the next Council meeting. However, the matter has not ended there. Given the strength of public feeling, the leader of the Council, Ken Maddock, has offered to meet with protestors and discuss the issue in the next couple of days.
Mike Rigby presents a 35,000 signature petition
Since last Sunday the protest had moved to another level with the campaign group, 38degrees, running a national petition in support of our local endeavours. Mike Rigby presented the Council with the petition, which gathered over 35,000 signatures within just 3 days.
A separate petition that we started on Somerset County Council's web site less than two months ago, and which currently has over 5,200 signatures, will continue to run until March 19th and will be debated at the May County Council meeting. It was remarkable that David Huxtable, the decision maker in selling the land, appeared quite dismissive of this petition, "...which continues to rumble on". For goodness sake! This is a local petition which currently represents over 1% of the population of Somerset!
Demonstrate Your Support on Wed 15th Feb at County Hall
13th Feb 2012
Members of the Quantock Land Action Group, set up by Harry Procter to oppose the County Council's sale of land on the Quantocks, would really like you to demonstrate your support on Wed 15th Feb at a County Council meeting where the proposals will be discussed.
Agenda for meeting
Paper 7 - Requisitioned Items
(item 2 details the Lib Dem opposition to the sale)
Approval for Sale of Land -
It does not have to be Final!
14th Feb 2012
Despite massive public opposition, County Councillor, David Huxtable, took the decision at a Cabinet meeting yesterday to sell approximately 2000 acres of the Quantock Hills. The only other elected representatives at the meeting were Anthony Trollope-Belew & John Edney.
However, this is not the end of the matter. As stated in the minutes of the meeting:
"The level of public interest and concern suggests that the proposed disposal may be subject to subsequent challenge which if successful could affect the completion of any disposal"
The Council's thinking seems to be totally muddled on the issue. On the one hand it is being argued that the sale of land is necessary to:
"...achieve [The Council's] priority or rationalising its property portfolio and realising capital receipts to support the overall capital programme."
Cabinet Member Decision 13th Feb 2012
On the other hand they are saying:
"...the cost of sale may negate any value derived, but in the event of disposal the Council would reduce its liability for running costs and its risks in ownership."
Cabinet Member Decision 1st Feb 2012
It would be well to note here that the running costs are actually negligable. Maybe this is the real reason:
"We want a smaller Council and will transfer this to others. That is the objective, it doesn't matter if it does not raise much money."
David Huxtable, 13th Jan reported below
In a press release dated 13 Jan, David Huxtable made assurances that there was no cause for concern:
"...I stress that it [land on the Quantocks] is currently, and will remain in the future, fully protected and open to public access."
David Huxtable
This statement is at odds with the minutes of the meeting that declared Over Stowey Customs Common 'surplus to requirements':
"Selling some significant public recreation sites may reduce the access that members of the public currently enjoy and prevent future public access..."
Cabinet Member Decision 1st Feb 2012
County Council Plans to sell part of Quantocks
29th Jan 2012
sign the petition
Two weeks before Christmas Somerset County Council (SCC) announced, solely by means of small advert at the back of the Bridgwater Mercury, its intention to sell off nearly 2000 acres of the Quantock Hills. Parish Councils and other interested groups, including the Quantock Rangers, were not informed of this intention.
In the advert anyone in disagreement with the proposal was given until the 23rd Dec to register their objections. Despite the very short deadline, many objections were submitted. However the matter has not ended there. We have started a petition which, if it reaches 5000 signatures, will mean that SCC will debate the issue at a full meeting, something the council has not been obliged to do so far in the process - the land being considered a 'minor asset'.
Furthermore, the Lib Dem opposition group on the County Council will be putting down a motion to oppose the sale of the Quantocks at a full council meeting on Wednesday Feb. 15th, 10:30 am, at Shire Hall. This meeting is open to the public.
Map Post Code:TA1 4EU
Read on for more detail.
Update 6th Feb
On 1st Feb, at a 'Non Key Decision Meeting', apparently consisting of 1 person,Somerset County Council declared Over Stowey Customs Common and The Saltings at Brue Pill, Highbridge, as 'Surplus to Requirements'.
This paves the way for selling these sites, both of which have Site of Special Scientific Interest status (SSSI), indeed The Saltings is designated internationally as a Ramsar site.This decision CAN be reveresed.
The full decision document can be viewed here.
Just two quotes from the document that makes you wonder exactly why these assets are being sold:
"Disposal receipts from each site would not be likely to be above the key decision threshold and in some cases the cost of sale ... may negate any value derived..."
"Selling some significant public recreation sites may reduce the access that members of the public currently enjoy and prevent future public access..."
Update 25th Jan 2012
A meeting at County Hall on 13 January has shed some disturbing light on the proposed sale of land on the Quantocks.
Lib Dem councillor, John Baily, reports an exchange with Councillor David Huxtable (Conservative), who is in charge of the sale.
' It's official from Tory Cabinet member, Cllr David Huxtable
"We want a smaller Council and will transfer this to others. That is the objective, it doesn't matter if it does not raise much money."
This was in response to a question of how much money would be raised by the sale of land on the Quantocks.
In the case of some of these land sales there is very little competition and real concerns that the public interest has been ignored.
Then perhaps the sale will the save money? The answer came - 'We don't know'!!
Shadow Spokesperson John Bailey said: 'So it is offical there is no business case, it is pure dogma. Don't worry the Tory Administration is not selling the family silver - they are giving it away'
UPDATE 22nd Jan 2012
The Lib Dem opposition group at county hall have raised a formal objection to the proposed sale of land on the Quantocks. However, according to Councillor Ross Henley, it appears that the council is determined to ignore objections.
The Lib Dem's are intending to put down a motion opposing the sale at a council meeting on Wed 15th Feb. It would be helpful if members of the public opposing the sale could attend. More details will be posted here soon.
To acutally force a council debate over the issue our online petition needs to reach 5000 signatures - we need about 1300 more, so please sign now.
Dec 2011
Somerset County Council has just announced plans to sell off parts of the Quantock Hills - Great Wood, Over Stowey Custom Common and Thorncombe Hill. Two of these areas are nationally important Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
We have started an online petition at the Somerset County Council web site. This is a quick way to register your protest, but do make sure to write in as well. This petition will continue beyond the formal date for lodging objections, and we have formally asked SCC to take the petition into account in any decision making process - so do sign it!
The County Solicitor was contacted on 23rd Dec, and was formally asked that the petition be taken into account at any meetings discussing the proposed sale. There were over 2,500 signatures on the petition by 23rd Dec.
There are currently over 3,300 signatures (3rd Jan 2012). SCC has indicated that it will still accumulate views from the public, and will take notice of the e-petition. The final decision regarding disposal will not be until February - so do act now!
22nd Dec 2011
A protest march, organised in just one day by Harry Procter and Chrissie Amey, walked through the centre of Taunton today.
In the short walk to the Council offices about 70 protestors quickly gathered around 400 signatures, which is in addition to over 1,500 gathered in an on-line petition over just two days.
The council official, Charlie Fields, who received the petition indicated that there had already been several expressions of interest in buying the land, and did not seem hopeful that the council would change its mind.
Protest reported on: BBC - link and
Somerset County Gazette - link.
We would also suggest writing to your County and District Councillors, as well as your MP, Ian Liddell-Grainger. To do this simply go to and enter your postcode. This will give you all required details for your area.
The county councillor in charge of the sell off is David Huxtable - e-mail:
We have heard that several parish councils will be objecting to the proposal - details to follow, as we get them.
Pamela Hill has made some requests under the Freedom of Information Act regarding some aspects of the sale. Her requests and SCC's responses can be found here.
Roger Conway has made requests under the Freedom of Information Act about SCC's reported disposal of assets worth £120 million in 2011. The request and responses can be seen here.
You can object by post, to Honor Clark, Deputy County Solicitor, Legal Services, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY (ref: CNV0038/1/JAH). Alternatively e-mail: This must be received by 23rd December. Although this date has now passed objections can still be made directly to councillors & your MP.
The Quantock Rangers position on the proposal can be seen here. And their web site is
Watch a West Country Tonight news report from 21st Dec about the sale - be amazed at the County Council's view!
A Facebook group "Sale of Quantock Land", objecting to the sale has also been formed.
Quantock Eco's letter of objection can be seen here
The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has lodged an objection to the sale.
See a copy of the letter.
The Friends of Quantock are also making a formal objection about the proposed sale.
If you have any further information you feel would be useful to collate here, just e-mail