On more than one occasion I have been asked about how best to produce a web site for somebody’s club. Here's one solution.
The aim of this article is to show you how to make a web site for your organisation for free using Google Sites. It will demand minimal expertise, not much more than basic word processing, and more than one person can have access to add content to the site.The information could all be obtained through Google, but this will give you a step-by-step guide to building a site without having to trawl through lots of help pages.
It is also permissible to use Google Sites to build commercial web-sites, although there are design limitations. There are also some limitations on what is allowable, for example you are not allowed to have affiliate links, so it is worth checking the terms and conditions. Something like a simple web site for your B&B should be perfectly acceptable.
Download the full article in pdf format to print out (2.4 Mb). It's 18 pages long, but the majority is made up of screen shots so that you can see what to do.
I have produced an example web site to go with the article. This also contains some further advice, such as how to optimise photographs and how to convert documents to pdf format.
If you do make a web site for a club or society in the Quantock Hills area drop me a line and we should be able to include a free link to you.
Simon Youé